Access to travel health services: Scotland

The process to access travel health services in Scotland has changed
Access to travel health services: Scotland

On 1 April, as part of the Vaccine Transformation Programme (VTP) led by the Scottish Government, the process for the Scottish public to access free travel advice and vaccines changed; Health Boards across Scotland will now deliver their own local Travel Health services and the first point of access for the those residing in Scotland will be through Fitfortravel. These changes form part of the redesign and implementation of vaccination delivery including travel health advice and travel vaccination services in Scotland. Further information is available from Public Health Scotland.

Advice for residents in England, Wales and Northern Ireland

These changes do not apply to you if you are resident in England, Wales or Northern Ireland (EWNI); travel health services in EWNI can be accessed from a variety of sources including some general practitioners or pharmacies and at specialist travel clinics.

In EWNI, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) commissions the National Travel Health Network and Centre (NaTHNaC) to provide travel health information. This includes guidance on travel health related risks, malaria prevention and recommended vaccinations which is available from TravelHealthPro.

Advice for health professionals in England, Wales and Northern Ireland

The process for accessing travel health advice in EWNI is not affected by the changes in the Scotland. Health professionals providing travel health services in EWNI (including Yellow Fever Vaccination Centres) are advised to continue to use TravelHealthPro (THP), to inform travel health risk assessments. THP is open access to both health professionals and the public.

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