Ebola: Uganda outbreak declared over

Health authorities have declared the end of the outbreak of Ebola virus disease (EVD) caused by Sudan ebolavirus (SUDV)
Ebola: Uganda outbreak declared over
  • This updates the news item of 02 December 2022

On 11 January 2023, health authorities in Uganda declared the end of the outbreak of Ebola virus disease (EVD) caused by Sudan ebolavirus (SUDV) [1], which was first reported in September 2022 [2]. The last EVD patient was released from care on 30 November 2022, when the 42-day countdown to the end of the outbreak, which represents double the incubation period for EVD, began. Health authorities in Uganda remain alert to the potential for flare-ups; surveillance for and response to infectious disease outbreaks has been enhanced and neighbouring countries remain on alert [1].

Since the start of the outbreak, a total of 142 confirmed cases with 55 confirmed deaths were reported. Confirmed cases were reported from Kampala, Kassanda, Masaka, Mubende and Wakiso districts in the Central Region, Bunyangabu, Kagadi and Kyegegwa districts in the Western Region, and Jinja District in the Eastern Region [3].

Outbreaks of EVD are a known risk for Uganda, and this was the fifth EVD outbreak caused by SUDV reported in the country, the last in 2012 [4].

Advice for travellers

If you are travelling to Uganda, check the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) Travel Advice before you go.

Although the EVD outbreak has been declared over, you should remain vigilant and be mindful of other health risks, including malaria.

Destination-specific other health risks and advice can be found on TravelHealthPro Country Information pages.

Advice for health professionals

Health professionals advising those travelling to the Uganda should check our Uganda: Country Information page for vaccine recommendations and specific risk advice.

Health professionals should remain alert for travellers returning from Uganda who develop symptoms compatible with infectious diseases including malaria. Malaria should be suspected in anyone with a fever, or a history of fever returning from or having previously visited a malaria endemic area, regardless of whether they have taken prophylaxis. If a traveller's itinerary included travel to a malaria endemic area, they must have a blood test result for malaria on the same day.

Although the EVD outbreak in Uganda is over, health professionals should remain vigilant to the symptoms in patients who have recently returned from affected areas and are reminded of the established procedures for infection control and testing [5].

  1. Outbreak declared over on 11 January 2023.

  2. Removal of advice against all but essential travel to Mubende District.

  3. Update to districts reporting confirmed cases.

  4. Updated risk assessment from UKHSA.

  5. Description of affected districts revised and dates of key references updated.

  6. New district Wakiso reported and now several confirmed cases in Kampala district. Edits to the return workers scheme and FCDO advice for Mubende included.

  7. Added case in Kampala District and updated case numbers, updated UKHSA risk assessment content.

  8. Updated case numbers from Uganda Ministry of Health and information on a public health message from UKHSA.

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