Updated guidelines for malaria prevention in travellers from the UK

UK Health Security Agency Advisory Committee on Malaria Prevention publish updated malaria guidelines
Updated guidelines for malaria prevention in travellers from the UK

On 16 January 2023, UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) Advisory Committee on Malaria Prevention (ACMP) published updated malaria prevention guidelines for travellers from the UK. Changes to the previous guidelines are highlighted in the executive summary pages 7-8 and will be reflected in the information provided on TravelHealthPro in due course.

Key updates include:

  • Further revision of the insect bite avoidance section, emphasising the increasing importance of these measures.
  • Inclusion of recommendation on the use of folic acid 5mgs daily by those taking proguanil (including the atovaquone/proguanil combination) who are seeking to become pregnant (note ACMP does not currently advise the use of atovaquone/proguanil for antimalarial chemoprophylaxis in pregnancy due to sparse data. However, if there are no other appropriate options, its use may be considered in the second and third trimesters after careful risk assessment).

The malaria guidelines are a practical resource for health professionals advising travellers. They may also be of interest to travellers interested in further information about malaria, including different antimalarial options. The document contains country recommendations, advice for travellers with special risks such as pregnant women and a frequently asked questions section. All the country-specific information is also available on our individual Country Information pages.

It is essential that health professionals advising travellers about malaria are familiar with the current ACMP malaria guidelines, and should check regularly for subsequent updates, as recommendations may change.

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