New travel alert feature

TravelHealthPro is introducing a new alert level feature to highlight risk levels on news items and outbreaks
New travel alert feature

NaTHNaC’s new alert feature is designed to highlight any current health issues United Kingdom (UK) residents travelling abroad need to be aware of and is linked to outbreaks or news items on our website. They do not replace Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) travel advice. Travellers should still check the FCDO travel advisories for any country-specific security or safety alerts.

NaTHNaC alerts are colour-coded as follows:

Take usual precautions
Take extra precautions
FCDO advise against travel
  • Green: Take usual precautions - follow standard protective measures, as recommended for this destination, disease or situation. Be aware that advice may change and check for updates.
  • Amber: Take extra precautions - follow any additional precautions recommended. Be alert and check regularly for changes in advice about this ongoing situation. Advice may be relevant for all travellers or apply to a specific group of travellers.
  • Red: FCDO advise against travel - Follow FCDO advice. This may mean avoiding non-essential travel, or all travel. Subscribe to the FCDO destination advice for security updates and travel warnings.

This new feature will categorise risk levels for disease outbreaks, special events, mass gatherings and natural disasters worldwide. This will help travellers make informed decisions about any planned travel, and enables health professionals to appropriately advise travellers and recommend realistic risk reduction strategies.

Alert categories are based on the situation at the time of publication. They will not be routinely updated unless outbreak information or a news item is updated.

Red alerts will follow FCDO travel advice.

Destination-specific health advice is available from our Country Information pages.

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