Updated cholera 'green book' chapter published

The cholera chapter in the 'green book' (Immunisation against infectious disease) has been updated
Updated cholera 'green book' chapter published

UK Health Security Agency has published updated guidance on cholera vaccination in the 'green book' (Immunisation against infectious disease: cholera. Chapter 14).

Key updates in this revised chapter include:

  • Updated content on the disease and epidemiology.
  • Guidance on Vaxchora® a live, attenuated, single dose vaccine.
  • Table showing some of the differences with the two licensed vaccines.

Dukoral® and Vaxchora® are both oral vaccines, licensed for adults and children from two years of age. The two vaccines have different precautions, contraindications and administration instructions. Health professionals should read the green book chapter and the prescribing information carefully.


The following links are available on the electronic medicines compendium (log in required but should be free to set up (top right).

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