'Getting to Grips...' online events and video guides
Online guides and webinar sessions for health professionals interested in travel health

NaTHNaC introduced live webinars in 2018 to discuss the dilemmas posed by some common clinical queries to the NaTHNaC Health Professional Advice Line. By 2021, the clinical team were hosting regular lunchtime sessions on Zoom to help Yellow Fever Vaccination Centres with travel health issues.
From 2024, this has been opened up to all health professionals interested in travel health. Whether it be discussing our recent website updates such as our news items, factsheets or country information page disease and vaccination changes, or clinical scenarios from our advice line, we hope to bring our work to life and enable you to make better use of our resources, in your practice.
These events will be live but also recorded and made available on this page. Transcripts available upon request.
Below you will find 'Getting to Grips...' video guides on topics and online event recordings will follow after each session.
Getting to grips with...
The International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis for yellow fever
A practical guide for health professionals in designated yellow fever vaccination centres (YFVC): please use in conjunction with the Yellow Fever Zone website.
Presented by Rachael Fletcher.
Updated: April 2020
Vaccine scheduling challenges
Do you ever wonder how to complete a course of vaccine when the traveller turns up days or months or years later, having not completed their vaccine schedule?
Join us on this recording of a recent GTG seminar to hear some thoughts on how to manage such situations.
Hosted by Hilary Simons.
Recorded: 25 January 2024
Tick-borne encephalitis
Do you have any questions about tick-borne encephalitis? Would you like more information about how to look at a traveller's risk of TBE?
Listen to this recording of a recent GTG seminar and find out more about tick-borne encephalitis, the vaccine and how you can help your travellers reduce their risk of this infection.
Hosted by Lisa Ford, Mary Gawthrop and Rachael Fletcher.
Recorded: 28 March 2024
Travelling with HIV
Are you a healthcare professional looking for guidance on supporting patients with HIV who wish to travel?
Join us on this recording of a recent GTG seminar to hear some thoughts on how to manage such situations.
Hosted by Kitty Smith.
Recorded: 21 June 2024
Advising pregnant travellers
Are you a health professional advising pregnant women planning to travel abroad?
Listen to this recording of a recent GTG seminar on pregnancy and travel to help you support pregnant travellers.
Hosted by Rachael Fletcher and Mary Gawthrop.
Recorded: 27 September 2024
Disclaimer: The healthcare professional who is directly advising the traveller remains responsible for individual risk assessments relating to travel and for any clinical decisions made regarding the administration of vaccines, other prophylactics, or for information given regarding travel health.
Advising pregnant travellers video added.
Travelling with HIV video added.
Tick-borne encephalitis video added.
Vaccine scheduling challenges video added.
Explore more
Travel health infographics
Topical infographics offering essential travel health tips and advice for safe and enjoyable trips
Updated: 07 November 2024Educational events
A list of courses, conferences and study days of relevance to UK health professionals working, or wishing to work, in the field of travel medicine
Updated: 07 January 2025Polio vaccination certificate
How to complete an International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis (ICVP) for polio
Updated: 10 December 2024Infectious diseases
This viral infection occurs in some tropical and subtropical regions of the world, predominantly transmitted through the bite of an infected Aedes mosquito
Updated: 02 February 2018Malaria
Malaria is a serious and potentially life-threatening disease, transmitted to humans through the bite of infected female Anopheles spp. mosquitoes
Updated: 13 February 2024Influenza (flu)
Influenza is a highly infectious, viral infection of the lungs and airways
Updated: 18 December 2024Preparing for healthy travel
Insect and tick bite avoidance
Protection from insect and tick bites is essential to help prevent vector-borne diseases such as malaria, yellow fever and Zika
Updated: 21 March 2024Travel Insurance
Travellers must declare medical conditions when taking out travel insurance to ensure they are suitably covered
Updated: 26 September 2019Special risk travel/traveller
Hajj and Umrah
The Ministry of Health of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia issue their requirements and recommendations for Hajj and Umrah annually
Updated: 15 May 2024Travelling with additional needs and/or disability
This factsheet provides an overview and advice on the points to consider when travelling with additional needs and/or disability
Updated: 06 February 2018Sickle cell disease and thalassaemia
Information on pre-travel preparation, tips to stay health abroad and links to useful resources for travellers with sickle cell disease and thalassaemia
Updated: 19 February 2021Clinic resources
Educational events
A list of courses, conferences and study days of relevance to UK health professionals working, or wishing to work, in the field of travel medicine
Updated: 14 March 2017Vaccines and medicines: availability, supply, shortages and use of unlicensed medicines
Information for health professionals on availability of vaccines and use of unlicensed products
Updated: 17 October 2022The green book travel chapters
UK Health Security Agency Immunisation against infectious disease, the 'green book' travel chapter updates
Updated: 06 February 2024