'Getting to grips with travelling with HIV' webinar video available

The recording of the travelling with HIV webinar on 21 June 2024 now added to TravelHealthPro
'Getting to grips with travelling with HIV' webinar video available

New for 2024, our team will be hosting regular, free of charge, webinar sessions on Zoom, available to all health professionals interested in travel health.

We will be discussing recent website updates such as our news items, factsheets or country information pages, disease and vaccination changes, or clinical scenarios from our advice line.

There will be a presentation followed by time to ask questions. These events will be live but also recorded and made available on TravelHealthPro.

The latest session was on 21 June 2024: 'Getting to grips with travelling with HIV'. A recording of the session is now available.

The details of the next webinar session will be published in due course.

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